Extract from the Ethical Framework

84. We value research and systematic inquiry by practitioners as enhancing our professional knowledge and providing an evidence-base for practice in ways that benefit our clients.

85. We will usually support and provide opportunities for research if it is compatible with the services we provide.

86. When undertaking research we will be rigorously attentive to the quality and integrity of the research process, the knowledge claims arising from the research and how the results are disseminated.

87. All research that we undertake will be guided by the BACP Ethical Guidelines for Research in the Counselling Professions.

88. All participants in research will do so on the basis of explicit informed consent.

89. All research will be reviewed in advance to ensure that the rights and interests of participants have been considered independently of the researcher.

90. The research methods used will comply with standards of good practice in any services being delivered and will not adversely affect clients. 

Video transcripts (opens in a new window)


I am a student in a college that has its own research ethics approval process. Do I need to follow BACP Ethical Guidelines for Research in the Counselling Professions as well?


I am working in private practice and want to send my clients a questionnaire about how they use online resources for help with the issues that concern them. Is this research? And, how will I satisfy the need for an independent ethical review in Good Practice point 89?




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Ethical guidelines for research in the counselling professions