IPA study of counsellors’ lived experiences of relational depth with clients from a different culture to their own

My name is Gabriela Byers, and I am currently undertaking an MSc in Counselling at the University of Northampton. Part of my degree is to undertake research which would contribute to the current knowledge on a topic of my choice. My study aims to learn how counsellors experience relational depth with a client from a different cultural background to their own, what impact it has on their therapeutic relationship, and what effect this has on them as individuals, practitioners, and their practice. Consequently, I am looking for qualified counsellors who meet the criteria below.

The study will be on-line and will require participation in a semi-structured interview which will take about 1-1.5h. During the interview I will ask you some questions which will be sent to you in advance, so you can prepare for these if you wish to do so. This is not mandatory and there is no right or wrong answer to the questions. The interview will be conducted using the University of Northampton’s Collaborate platform. Please note that you do not need to have used this application beforehand to take part. The link for joining the interview will be sent to you beforehand. The interview will be audio-recorded and will comply with the GDPR and the BACP regulation.

Inclusion criteria:

- A qualified counsellor
- Belong to a recognised counselling body in the UK such as BACP, UKCP etc.
- Have at least one experience of relational depth with a client from a different culture to their own

Exclusion criteria:

- Undergoing complaint or investigation
- Currently not in practice

Please see poster here

If you meet above criteria and would like to participate in the study, or if you have any further questions, please get in touch with me via my university email:


Thank you for your time in reading this proposal. I understand that our lives are busy, but I would really appreciate your input.