Research study: What is the experience of mandated personal therapy whilst training to become a child and adolescent therapist?
Hello, I am Hayley, an MA student at the University of Roehampton studying Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents and Families.
Participants needed:
I am seeking four individuals (aged 18 years up) who would be willing to share their experiences of mandated personal therapy whilst training to become a child and adolescent therapist. Participants can either be currently training and participating in personal therapy or be recently qualified and have completed personal therapy within the last year if not ongoing.
Your involvement:
Your participation will help to provide deeper insights into the impact of personal therapy on trainee’s personal growth and professional development. This contribution can significantly help to inform a balanced rationale for courses which mandate it as a training requirement and support future therapists in their work with younger clients. Please note, your identity will be anonymised and any data collected will be held confidentially as in line with GDPR.
What’s involved in this study:
Completion of a 60-minute interview via Microsoft Teams
If you would be interested in taking part in this research, please contact me via email:
Following an expression of interest, I will provide you with a detailed participation information sheet with further details.
Thank you,
Hayley Page