Exploring therapists’ experience of relational discord in the therapeutic encounter: A polyvagal informed approach

Hello, my name is Kathryn, I am a MA student at the University of South Wales studying Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am researching therapists’ experience of relational discord in the therapeutic encounter: A polyvagal informed approach.

I am looking for:

  • A qualified therapist registered with a UK counselling and Psychotherapy professional body.
  • To have 2 years post qualifying experience.
  • Currently working in with clients within the UK.
  • Currently undertaking regular clinical supervision, as is required by professional bodies.
  • Have a willingness to share your somatic experiences at times of relational rupture.

What will it involve?

  • Should you choose to take part in the research, we will book in a time that suits you. Semi-structured interviews will take place over Microsoft Teams and will last around 60 minutes, with extra time for de-briefing at the end.
  • During the interview we will explore your somatic responses at times of relational rupture in your client work. This exploration will take place using a polyvagal approach to understanding your responses.
  • The interview will be recorded using a secure system, and your identity and responses will be kept strictly confidential and safe.

Why Participate?

  • It is hoped that this research will contribute to the wider understanding of the client/therapist relationship and how our protective autonomic responses, as understood though the polyvagal lens, might have an impact on the therapeutic alliance. It may also emphasise the requirement for the ongoing personal development and deepening understanding of therapist somatic responses, to ensure safety and connection in the therapeutic relationship.

For further information, please see advert here.

If you are interested and able to share your valuable experiences and or want to find out more, please contact me via: 09137408@students.southwales.ac.uk