• Are you a qualified integrative counsellor/ psychotherapist?
• Do you work in a relational way?
• Have you experienced ‘burnout’ during your career as a working therapist?
• Would you be willing to share your experiences of ‘burnout’ as part of a phenomenological research project?
My name is Paige Wilson and as part of my MA in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy at the Minster Centre (accredited by the University of Middlesex), I am conducting a research project. The aim of my research is summarised as:
‘Exploring the lived experience of burnout amongst qualified psychotherapists working with clients.’
There is limited qualitative research pertaining to the experience of burnout within the therapeutic community, and it is my hope to bring more awareness to the subject by researching fellow therapists’ experience of this phenomenon. I am particularly interested in hearing from therapists who work in a relational/integrative way.
Taking part in this project will require you to take part in a semi-structured interview, to be held online. During this interview you will be asked about your experience of burnout as a qualified therapist. Your identity and any potentially identifying information about your client/therapist will be kept confidential.
The Minster Centre Research Ethics Committee has approved the proposal, and this research will be conducted in accordance with the BACP’s ethical guidelines for research.
If you would like more information on the topic or the process involved in participation, please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will send you the full participant information document.
Thank you for considering participation in this research.
Warm regards,
Paige Wilson (researcher)