Thank you to our members who completed the questionnaire following publication of the latest draft iteration of the SCoPEd framework.
In addition to the data shared by the collaboration on Wednesday 28 October, we wanted to share further data specifically in relation to responses from BACP members. We recognise that there were some concerns about the questionnaire methodology and we will incorporate this feedback into the planning of any future research activities. However, we remain confident that the data from this questionnaire is representative of the feelings of all members who took part.
Overall the data indicated a strong level of agreement that members understand the project aims and a large proportion of respondents agreed that they are supportive of the project aims. We believe the data shows that a broad range of members (in relation to career stage, employment type, main title, main setting and membership type) are positive about SCoPEd. However, we also feel that the data shows there is still work to be done, particularly with regards to ensuring more voices feel heard and in building confidence that the aims of the project are deliverable. We are committed to addressing these challenges over the coming months.
The questionnaire also invited respondents to volunteer to participate in an in-depth discussion forum. Those participating in the discussion forum were selected based on answers they provided to the questionnaire, ensuring that a range of viewpoints on SCoPEd and different types of membership were represented. The forum is now closed, and the collaboration expects a report of the findings from the independent research agency in the coming months. We will share these findings with our members and hope to do so before the end of the year.
The data
8,225 BACP members responded to the questionnaire; indicating that 98% of the total number of respondents were BACP members. This figure represents 15% of BACP members.
We’ve broken the data down into five key areas - Career stage, Employment type, Main title, Main setting and Membership type, so that you can see how the different type of member responded to the seven questions from the questionnaire. Comparing the response rate of each membership type to the wider BACP membership indicates all categories of BACP member to be fairly represented in the response to this survey.

SCoPEd member questionnaire Summer 2020
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the questionnaire and share their views with us

SCoPEd project group to widen
We'd like to announce a number of meetings around the widening of the Scope of Practice and Education (SCoPEd) project group have taken place over recent months

The SCoPEd framework is a ground-breaking shared standards framework, developed by six Professional Standards Authority accredited bodies, including BACP, which represent over 75,000 counsellors and psychotherapists