We’re very pleased to let you know that the Professional Standards Authority has reaccredited our register for another year.
The Authority reviews our processes every 12 months and its focus is on our work to protect the public.
It looks at how we uphold professional standards, including how we carry out our complaints procedure, and also at our financial status and governance processes.
The Authority has now released its report on our register’s reaccreditation.
The report said that the Authority received positive feedback from BACP members, highlighting the support given to members, the ethical framework, maintenance of professional standards and the professional conduct procedure.
It made three recommendations of actions that it believes could help to improve the register.
These are:
- BACP should consider developing its internal safeguarding processes, to ensure that it is integrated effectively with the roles and responsibilities of other authorities, makes clear what information it receives may be disclosable, and what legal limitation may affect this.
- BACP should review its social media guidance to ensure that there is emphasis on confidentiality and to include guidance on inappropriate behaviour on social media whether in a professional or private context.
- BACP should consider what barriers are in place for registrants to achieve its accreditation and how it may address those barriers.
We welcome the opportunity to have our work reviewed by an independent organisation and we’ve already been exploring how we can further develop our work in these areas.
We’ll be sharing our progress on this with the Authority when we submit our report as part of next year’s reaccreditation process.