Rishi Sunak has called a General Election – and after months of speculation we now know we’ll go to the polls on Thursday, July 4.

In the run up to election day, we’ll be stepping up our campaigning. We'll be highlighting the need for investment and action that will improve access to therapy and expand paid opportunities for therapists.

In our latest Mindometer survey, two thirds of therapists (66%) reported the public’s mental health had deteriorated compared to the previous year. Nearly half (45%) described demand at their practice as overcapacity, resulting in a waiting list or referral of clients to other services.

Accessible mental health support

We’ll continue to demonstrate why and how the next Government must increase funding for accessible mental health support in the NHS, schools, community organisations and workplaces.

We’ve already written to political parties on many of these issues, spoken to candidates and engaged with policy-makers. Over the next few weeks we'll be using every opportunity we can to ensure candidates understand the need to prioritise investment in counselling and psychotherapy and know about the skills of our members.

There’ll be opportunities for you to get involved as well. We’ll soon share information about the support we’ll make available to help you spread the message that counselling changes lives during this election campaign.

Together, our 70,000 voices can make a real difference.

Decisive action

Martin Bell, our Head of Policy and Public Affairs, said:

“There’s never been a General Election where the mental health of the nation has been in such a precarious state.

"Vulnerable people are struggling to access the support they need, lengthy waiting lists are a barrier for many, counselling organisations are seeing increased demand but reduced budgets and the cost-of-living crisis is having a knock-on effect that’s permeating people’s mental health. Children and young people’s mental health is at crisis point. Marginalised communities are being unequally impacted by a host of issues in society leaving them at breaking point.

“Ensuring better access to and increased investment in mental health support – including counselling and psychotherapy – must be a priority for all election candidates and in party manifestos. This has to translate to real change. The next Government must take decisive action.”