Welcome to our Therapist Directory blog, we'll be creating blogs frequently to keep you up to date with the latest news from our team and BACP members. We're constantly working hard in the background to make the Therapist Directory as user friendly as possible for both the members of the public and you, our members. 

On our website you'll see a number of member pages have been updated with new information about the directory, and also that it's now more accessible as you can locate information via the sub-header called Directories, under the Membership tab.

Each month we'll create a blog, letting you know the latest news and developments occurring in the world of directories, and also bringing you the top 10 keywords that members of the public are searching on both the BACP directory page and third-party search engines. This will enable you to update your listings, knowing that you're including the most up-to-date information being searched for by the public.

Last year, we launched a directory telesurgery service enabling you to speak to me or Tracey, and raise any issues or questions about your directory profile. You can also check the views that your listing has received on the website. You can book a 30-minute telesurgery appointment once you've had an active listing for at least three months. Should your query relate to a lack of enquiries, please leave it until at least three months after your last enquiry, due to the peaks and troughs we've seen during the year and also the current climate we're experiencing. At the moment the Directory telesurgery service runs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings but if these days are unsuitable for you then you're more than welcome to email your queries to directories@bacp.co.uk and we'll answer them in as much detail as possible.

We're here to help and support you in any way we can, so if you're unsure about anything to do with directories, please send an email. We look forward to keeping you up to date with future developments about the service as there are lots of new and improved functionalities heading your way!

If you'd like to contribute to a blog about how the Therapist Directory has helped you, please email us.

Views expressed in this article are the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of BACP. Publication does not imply endorsement of the writer’s views. Reasonable care has been taken to avoid errors but no liability will be accepted for any errors that may occur. Please be aware that we collect and process personal data. For more details, see section 2n of our privacy notice.