Governance is the systems and processes relating to an organisation's overall direction, effectiveness, supervision and accountability. Strong governance helps boards and organisations to achieve their goals by acting appropriately and fairly.
Registered charity
BACP is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation which means our funds are used to maintain and develop the organisation for the benefit of our members and the communities in which we are active.
As a registered charity (number 298361) we are monitored by the Charities Commission to ensure that our aims are charitable and our accounts are in order.
In carrying out our governance, we follow the Charity Commission’s Charity Governance Code as a tool for continuous improvement.
Current officers and governors
We are directed and managed through a Board of Governors, Senior Leadership Team and six board-delegated committees.
From the Board blogs
News and comment from BACP's Board of Governors
Articles of Association
The Articles of Association is our primary governance document which sets out the parameters of how we are run and governed.
Standing orders
The Standing orders are derived from our Articles and set out how we work: the proceedings, meetings and business of the Association.
Annual General Meeting
The 2024 AGM will take place on Thursday 7 November in London. We'd like members to get involved to help shape our future.
Resolutions and motions
How you can raise resolutions and motions and get your voice heard.