An exploration enquiring if resilience mediates the relationship between self-compassion and emotional intelligence

As part of my MSc Counselling thesis, I am investigating the potential mediation effect of resilience within the relationship between self-compassion and emotional intelligence. The research is theoretical and seeks to address a gap within the literature as this has not been yet investigated.

So, by taking part you could help reveal potential theoretical associations with real-world applications for life satisfaction! By revealing a mediation effect, we can determine what factors are influential in promoting emotional intelligence, which is an important skill to facilitate happiness and interacting appropriately with others and yourself emotionally.

The research involves answering three validated questionnaires of each respective variable (self-compassion, resilience, and emotional intelligence), and participation should take approximately ten minutes.

Participation is voluntary, and responses are anonymous, if you wish to stop participation, closing the browser will mean your responses are not included in final analysis. 18+.

Please follow the link if you wish to participate!