Therapist’s experience of providing therapy to clients experiencing eating disorders

My name is Jasmine Chapman.

I am recruiting participants for my thesis research on therapist’s experience of providing therapy to clients experiencing eating disorders for my counselling degree.

Your participation is completely voluntary and would take approximately 60-90 minutes to engage in a semi-structured interview.

To participate in this study, you must be a therapist who experience providing counselling to clients presenting in counselling sessions with disordered eating. Topics of a sensitive nature are present in this study. These include but are not limited to: eating disorders, body image and attitudes towards vulnerable groups. If this is likely to cause you distress, it is advisable that you do not participate in this study.

If you wish to take part in this study then please contact the principal researcher at

The study will follow the guidelines of the University of Lincoln’s Research Ethics Policy. Ethical Approval code: 16908.
