Four out of five parents (80%) would encourage their children to seek therapy if they were experiencing emotional difficulties, according to our research.
The survey also found that 88% of parents of under 18s said it was a good idea to seek counselling or psychotherapy for a problem before it gets out of hand.
And 76% of parents said people might be happier if they talked to a therapist about their problems.
Some 79% of parents believe all schools should offer counselling.
Our Chair Natalie Bailey, who works as a counsellor, said:
“It can be distressing for a parent to see their child struggle with their emotional or mental health, and not be able to get the right support in place.”
“Often, when parents step in and try to help their child they can feel out of their depth and in turn this can affect their own mental health. A qualified trained professional could be of real value here.
“It’s reassuring to see these figures that reflect so many parents would consider counselling for their child if they needed it.
Long-lasting impact
She added: “I’ve seen how counselling can change children and young people’s lives. I’ve seen young people who are too anxious to go to school and teenagers who cannot see their way forward engage in counselling, which has helped them find ways to cope better. It can be an early intervention that has a long-lasting impact on their lives.
Increased investment
“Now we have to ensure there is an improved and much faster access to counselling for these vulnerable young people. Long waiting lists and the number of young people who are rejected for NHS mental health support as they don’t meet thresholds, demonstrate the importance of increased investment in services such as school counselling.”
The survey of more than 5,731 people was carried out by YouGov on our behalf in March last year.
To find a counsellor or psychotherapist who can help you or your child visit our Therapist Directory.
Children and young people
Read our members' experiences and your stories of how counselling can help children and young people.
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