Member research

Young people's experiences of counselling

Our member Callum Jones tells us about his research on person-centred therapy for young people who have experienced bullying.

You can read more about Callum’s research in:

Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, December 2020 
Is person‐centred counselling effective when assisting young people who have experienced bullying in schools? 

(Log into your BACP account on this website first to access the full article​)

Online counselling

A recent paper by Terry Hanley reflects upon the history of online counselling and psychotherapy research and argues that the pandemic has been an evolutionary catalyst for developments in online therapy.

Terry argues that counselling and psychotherapy researchers need to situate themselves in a way that allows them to keep one foot in the present and one foot in the future to stay abreast of technological developments, while acknowledging the reasons why some members of the therapeutic profession might be reluctant to embrace these developments.

You can read more about Terry's research in:

Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, December 2020
Researching online counselling and psychotherapy: The past, the present and the future

BACP research: The effectiveness of school-based counselling

A large scale study, led by the University of Roehampton in collaboration with our research team, is the first large-scale research into the effectiveness of school counselling in the UK. The research was conducted between 2016 and 2018 across 18 London schools and surveyed 329 children aged between 13 and 16 years old at six-week intervals.

The study found that school-based humanistic counselling led to significant reductions in pupils’ psychological distress over the long-term, compared to pupils who only received pastoral care. The study also found that pupils who were offered counselling experienced significantly improved self-esteem, as well as large increases in their achievement of personal goals.

Read the full open access study in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health

BACP research resources


The most recent issue (December 2020) of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research (CPR) includes a special section on working with children and young people. Papers included research into the experiences of refugee children as well as an exploration of the potential for counselling to cause harm. The journal is free to access with your membership log in.

All seven of our specialist divisional journals are free online for all members, so take a look at these for perspectives on working with different client groups.

Free research ethics webinar

Our webinar ‘Research ethics and how to navigate it’ is still available to view on demand. It's free of charge but you’ll have to subscribe to access it. 

PGR forum

The BACP Postgraduate Research Forum is a platform for counselling and psychotherapy postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and anyone interested in undertaking postgraduate research, to pool ideas, discuss research interests, and enable a peer support network. If you are interested in joining please email

Research noticeboard

Are you interested in participating in research?  

Our research noticeboard features current research projects by BACP members who are looking for participants. You can also post your own project.

Views expressed in these articles are the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of BACP. Publication does not imply endorsement of the writer’s views. Reasonable care has been taken to avoid errors but no liability will be accepted for any errors that may occur.