I've been selected for audit before. Why have I been asked again?
The selection process is totally random, so although it is unusual to be selected more than once it does happen. You’ll still need to complete the audit even if you have been selected before.
Should I renew my membership before or after I send in my audit submission?
Renew your membership as normal. The audit process runs separately to your membership renewal, we simply use the renewal month as a way of randomly selecting members for audit.
Anyone who has been on the Register for more than a year is eligible for audit when their membership is due for renewal. Every month we audit 1.5% of eligible members who are renewing.
Do I need to submit proof of my CPD activities?
We don't need to see any certificates or documents, but you must complete the online CPD log in the Learning centre or the downloadable CPD form on an ongoing basis. See Registered members' guide to CPD.
Why is the CPD log or form mandatory?
The CPD log (and the downloadable CPD form) are designed to encourage reflective practice and help you develop a cyclical process for your CPD. They provide sections for planning, recording your activities and reflecting on how these have impacted your practice. This enables us to make a detailed assessment at audit.
I have indemnity insurance cover through my employer. What evidence do you need for this?
We need to see a copy of the insurance cover held by your employer. We also need a letter on headed paper from your employer to confirm that you were employed by them at the time of the audit and covered by their insurance. The letter must be signed by your manager or HR department.
I have a disability which means I can't use the forms you provide. Can I make my audit submission in a different format?
Please contact us first so we know you'll need to use a different format. Make sure you clearly provide all the information we've requested and answer all the questions on the CPD log or form.
Can I have an extension to the deadline to submit my audit?
You'll have until the end of your membership renewal month to submit your audit documents, which is around six weeks. This is to allow for work commitments, personal circumstances, holidays and sickness.
If you require more time, please contact our Register team. We'll review your situation and possibly offer extensions in two week increments. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as maternity leave, long term illness or bereavement, we may be able to offer a 12 month deferral.
Why does it take six weeks to process an audit?
We have to review, assess and moderate each audit to ensure they have been fairly assessed before we send the result to you. We assess audits in date order, so please send your audit documents to us as soon as possible and within the deadline. We try to complete the process in less than six weeks if possible.
Find out more...

BACP Register supervision, CPD and audit
Find out about the specific requirements for registered members. Includes links to supervision and mandatory CPD templates.

BACP Register guide to audit
What to do if you are selected for audit

BACP Register guide to supervision
How to meet the BACP Register requirements for supervision. Includes supervision template.