You can have your say on increasing the impact of counselling and psychotherapy in the NHS in England with the launch of a new campaign.
NHS England’s Psychological Professions into Action campaign is your chance to share your opinions on how you feel psychological professionals, including counsellors and psychotherapists, can fit into all areas of the NHS, how counselling and psychotherapy can improve more people’s lives and what needs to be done differently in the future in the NHS.
The campaign is aiming to connect across the common ground of the psychological professions, in partnership with service users, carers and families, other practitioners in health and social care, as well as policy makers.
To get involved, you can register at the website and then share your views anonymously on a series of discussion forums about different subjects relating to the psychological professions and the NHS.
Online conversations already taking place include subjects such as how to ensure the psychological professions are incorporated into different care pathways, such as at GPs surgeries, and how to improve access for people who need treatment.
Feedback will be used by NHS England to help inform the next stage of the NHS People Plan, which outlines the future expansion of the NHS workforce.
Make your voice heard
Matthew Smith-Lilley, our Policy and Engagement Lead (Mental Health), said:
“This a fantastic opportunity to make your voice heard on how counselling and psychotherapy fit into the NHS and how our professions can have a greater impact for the public.
“I’d encourage all of you to get involved in this campaign and share your thoughts in these discussions. Whether you’re employed in the NHS, are in private practice or are working in other settings, contributing your thoughts will be really valuable.
"We understand there there are many pressure on your time, but getting involved only takes a few minutes. This is our opportunity to have a voice and to shape the expansion of psychological professions outlined within the NHS Long Term Plan”
“It’s been really interesting to look at the conversations that are already taking place online and encouraging to hear from the NHS that there will be a direct line between this feedback and the themes raised here and the workforce plan.
Landmark moment
“It feels like a landmark moment that this conversation is taking place.”
This stage of the campaign runs until mid-February. The discussions and feedback will then be analysed ahead of another period of engagement.
To get involved register with the site at and please share widely amongst your colleagues and, where you are able, the public.
The campaign is using the hashtag #PPsIntoAction on Twitter and on Facebook.
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BACP Healthcare is for counsellors, psychotherapists and related professionals providing psychological therapies in healthcare settings in the public, private and third sectors.