When I became Chair, almost two years ago, I made a commitment at the AGM in Manchester to do more to connect with members. This is an introduction to a new From the Board blog area on BACP's website which I hope will serve as another avenue to communicate with members much more responsively and to let you know more about the work going on behind the scenes.
Each month, I and my fellow Governors, will share perspectives on a range of issues to give members a broader picture of the work of the Board, which I hope members will find valuable. Occasionally, I'll also invite BACP senior managers to contribute and share their perspective on the work they're carrying out on behalf of the Board.
You may have noticed our initiatives to date and the range of resources that are now more readily accessible. The cost of CPD has previously been an issue for members as it limited access to certain events. This past year remote access to conferences has resulted in many more members having access to vast content, not only in the UK but across other countries at much reduced and affordable rates. Our On-Demand service gives more flexibility and members can access content whenever it's convenient.
I’ve noticed that member interaction is more dynamic - our Listening workshops and Making Connections events are proving popular and our social media etiquette guidelines have received positive feedback. It’s always encouraging to hear from many more of our members who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity (or the interest!), to interact.
Look out for our monthly update, I hope it will be a good read.
All the best,
More from BACP
Views expressed in this article are the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of BACP. Publication does not imply endorsement of the writer’s views. Reasonable care has been taken to avoid errors but no liability will be accepted for any errors that may occur.