The Scope of Practice and Education (SCoPEd) framework transparently sets out the core training, practice and competence requirements for counsellors and psychotherapists working with adults.
It’s been collaboratively developed and adopted by six Professional Standards Authority accredited bodies across counselling and psychotherapy, including BACP.
The diverse range of backgrounds, approaches, philosophies and professional training that our members bring to their work is a huge strength of the counselling and psychotherapy landscape. The SCoPEd framework reflects this – enhancing and enabling a credible, diverse and thriving counselling and psychotherapy profession.
It provides greater clarity about the wide range of skills, knowledge, training and experience that our members have and will help counselling and psychotherapy be better understood, valued and trusted by clients, employers, commissioners and society. It’ll help distinguish qualified therapists from other unqualified and unskilled people promoting themselves as therapists.
SCoPEd is an important step as part of our wider work to deliver a number of our members’ priorities – to set standards for the profession, protect clients from unsafe or unethical practice and provide members with the resources and support needed to practice.
It’s also a way for BACP and the wider profession to engage effectively with and to demonstrate the value of counselling and psychotherapy to employers, commissioners and government.
Read more about how SCoPEd will benefit our members, as well as those who employ and commission our services and wider society.
How would SCoPEd affect our members?

Where will I be represented in the SCoPEd framework?
All registered, accredited or senior accredited BACP members will be represented in the framework

SCoPEd frequently asked questions
Answers to the most commonly asked questions about SCoPEd

SCoPEd next steps
An outline of the next steps on SCoPEd for BACP and our members
SCoPEd governance and origins

SCoPEd governance
SCoPEd is a shared standards framework, developed by six Professional Standards Authority accredited bodies, including BACP, which represent over 75,000 counsellors and psychotherapists.

SCoPEd framework
Read the January 2022 version of the SCoPEd framework

SCoPEd origins
The origins and development of SCoPEd