1. What if my supervisor is unaware of the SCoPEd framework and is unable to confirm my overall competence?

The SCoPEd framework is available to view on our website. If you’re considering applying for accreditation during the transition period, you may want to share the framework with your supervisor and explore with them where you are in terms of the competences. Guidance is available for supervisors to help them with the new application process and supervisor statement.

2. Does a supervisor need to be in the same SCoPEd column as their supervisee to support either their accreditation application, or work with them generally?

No, a supervisor doesn’t need to be aligned with a particular SCoPEd framework column to support their supervisee’s accreditation application. Similarly, a supervisor doesn’t need to hold the same or further accreditation level to their supervisee.

However, they will need to be familiar with the SCoPEd framework and be able to comment on their supervisee’s overall competence for the ‘Supervisor Statement’ they’ll complete as part of the application. They also need to understand their supervisee’s ways of working or modality and be competent to work with the types of issues and clients their supervisee brings. 

3. My supervisor is registered with another membership body, can they still support me and write a statement?

Yes, your supervisor can still support you in your accreditation application. They will need to be familiar with the SCoPEd framework and be able to comment on your overall competence for the ‘Supervisor Statement’ they’ll complete as part of the application.

4. Does the person completing the supervisor statement have to hold a recognised supervision qualification?

We haven’t made any change to the requirements for supervisors. As long as your supervisor is suitably experienced and qualified to supervise you and your client work this is acceptable.

5. If my supervisor has changed, will my previous supervisor also need to support my accreditation application?

Whether you’re applying for individual or senior accreditation, the supervisor that supervised the case material that you’re using in your application will need to complete the relevant sections of the supervisor statement.

6. How will supervisors be trained on SCoPEd and the new schemes?

Guidance is available for supervisors on the accreditation pages of our website. This will help them with the new application process and supervisor statement. We also hope to have video guidance ready to help supervisors with the new streamlined supervisor statement later this year.

We’ll be communicating regularly with members about the release of resources and guidance, so please keep an eye on emails and the website for more information.

7. If I need to take a break from client work and supervision for a period of time for personal reasons, how does this impact on the continuous supervision requirement?

If you’re taking a break from client work you don’t need to continue with supervision. However, you may find it helpful to have some supervision during this time to discuss the impact of your circumstances and when it might be appropriate to return to client work.

You can find more support and guidance regarding supervision here.

Contact us

Please contact customer services if you have any further questions.