Our revised senior accreditation scheme is aligned to column C of the SCoPEd framework and follows a similar format to your initial accreditation. It requires evidence of your practice, supervision and training, and a reflective practice section exploring your understanding of what you do.


To apply during the SCoPEd transition period, which lasts until February 2026, you’ll need to meet our revised senior accredited member eligibility requirements and complete the relevant application form. You’ll need to provide details including:  

  • evidence you have a Level 7 (or equivalent) counselling or psychotherapy qualification  
  • evidence of personal therapy or personal development work you have engaged in that has contributed to self-awareness and is applicable to therapeutic practice 
  • a personal statement giving evidence against a range of criteria that reflect the different competences within the SCoPEd framework 
  • a Supervisor’s statement  

We believe all members should have equal access to apply for accreditation. If you identify as living with a disability or learning difference, we can offer additional support to help remove any barriers you may experience with the application process. 

How to apply

There are separate application processes for accredited members and current senior accredited members who wish to apply.  

You can view the eligibility criteria and download our guidance documents and application forms below. Once you have completed your application, please email your completed form to us at accreditation@bacp.co.uk

We’re expecting a high volume of applications, and these will be processed and assessed in the order they’re received.

This assessment time will vary depending on the volume of applications we receive at any given time, it could take around six to eight months from your submission date for your application to be processed and assessed and your decision to be issued.

Download our videos

Guidance documents, application forms and supervisor's statements

Application costs

Membership costs

Membership subscriptions run for a year and are reviewed annually.

If you’re receiving certain state benefits or have no personal income, you may be entitled to pay a reduced fee. You'll need to select this option when you renew online. Please see our Reduced fee policy. If you're a UK tax payer, you may be eligible to claim tax relief on your membership fees. 


If you have specific questions about your application or your assessment report, you can book a 30 minute one-to-one tele-surgery with an assessor. Each session costs £25. Email accreditation@bacp.co.uk to speak to one of the accreditation team and make a booking. 


As a member, you agree to abide by our Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions and our Professional Conduct Procedure. You had to read and agree to these as part of your original membership application. 

You should also read our Membership policies and protocols

As a senior accredited member, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the BACP Register. You'll have to recommit to these every year when you renew your membership online.   

Assessment process and outcomes

When we receive your application, we'll email you to confirm it's arrived.

Our accreditation team will check your application to make sure you meet the eligibility criteria and that we have all the information we need. We'll email you if we have any queries. 

Once our checks are complete, we'll send your application to one of our assessment team.  

We’re expecting a high volume of applications, and these will be processed and assessed in the order they’re received.

This assessment time will vary depending on the volume of applications we receive at any given time, it could around six to eight months from your submission date for your application to be processed and assesses and your decision to be issues.


Our decision may be:

For an initial application:


You’re now a senior accredited member MBACP (Snr Accred). You’ll be able to download a certificate and new personalised logo from your member account. Your register entry and therapist directory listing, if you have one, will automatically update with your new membership status. You can also now promote yourself as aligned to column C of the SCoPEd framework.



Our assessors did not find sufficient evidence within your application to pass all of our criteria and we need more information from you. You’ll be emailed a detailed assessment report that explains what additional information is required. You have up to six months to resubmit.

Find out more about making a resubmission.

For a resubmitted application:


You are now a Senior accredited member MBACP (Snr Accred). You’ll be able to download a certificate and new personalised logo from your member account. on this website. Your register entry and therapist directory listing, if you have one, will automatically update with your new membership status.



You have not shown us that you meet the standard at this time. You can reapply after 12 months, which will give you time to reflect on your practice, talk with your supervisor and undertake additional CPD if required. 


If your application is unsuccessful, you can appeal if you think that either: 

  • the assessment procedure hasn’t been followed correctly, or  
  • your application hasn’t been fairly and properly assessed against the published criteria 

Disagreeing with the assessor’s decision or wishing to submit new information are not grounds for appeal. 

Find out more about making an appeal.

Further information

If you have any questions about the senior accreditation application process, please email the accreditation team on accreditation@bacp.co.uk or call 01455 883304.

Our accreditation office team are not assessors and can only help with queries relating to the process, not to the content of your application or assessment reports. If you wish to speak to an assessor directly, you should book a tele-surgery.